Benefits to Sellers

Why should you use Transaction Advisors? There are many reasons. You will not have just one local broker working to sell your business. You can have one of the most successful marketing networks in the nation working to sell your business. Common sense says it is better to have the potential of multiple affiliate brokers nationwide seeking the right buyer for your business instead of one local office.
Creating competition among buyers should be a broker's goal, not just to find a single buyer. A buyer without competition feels they can offer less than the full value of a business. When a buyer knows there is another interest in the same business, they are hesitant to offer less than the price and terms being offered.
When a new business is listed, the first thing our team does is search the database of buyers for potential matches. Then, other affiliate brokers who have posted these buyers are notified of the new listing immediately. With buyers who have a wide range of investment resources available, there is an extreme advantage over the local independent broker who only has a few local buyers.
CONFIDENTIALITY is extremely important when working with any broker during the selling process. Transaction Advisors strives to protect your information from being presented to unqualified buyers. Just as we need complete financial information on your business in order for buyers to make an intelligent buying decision, we require potential buyers to provide a statement of financial ability to acquire your business.
The end result is consummating a transaction that achieves the objectives of the Seller and provides a good investment opportunity for the prospective buyer. That is what we at Transaction Advisors do best!