Benefits to Buyers

Transaction Advisors has a great advantage over other independent firms. Our firm is affiliated with reputable brokerage firms throughout the United States. Formerly, attempts to acquire a business in another city or state resulted in a loss of time and money as the prospective buyer contacted various local brokers for available listings. Such ordeals are unnecessary today because of our experience, professionalism, organizational network, and size.
The potential buyer is now able to critique businesses offered nationwide with a conveniently located and highly skilled affiliate who can provide any and all information needed to make a reasonable buying decision. Buyer confidentiality is protected until a site visit is made, just as no financial detail is given by the business owner until an Offer to Purchase is submitted.
Many of the buyers we work with are first-time buyers. Most are leaving corporate America with a strong desire to own a business in order to control their own destiny and earnings. Transaction Advisors takes the time to educate this type of buyer as to what can realistically be accomplished based on the size of the investment.
Investment groups and corporations seeking to grow by acquiring other companies have found that one telephone call, fax, or email can provide numerous opportunities all over America. We send special notices of listings in the $1,000,000 or greater price range to buyers who are registered in this preferred buyers database.